Lubov Pavluk
Artist Bio
Born and raised in Ukraine with a lot of good childhood memories!
I was always considered myself as a very creative and unrestful person, this is how I am known by
family and friends. Being taught by famous Saint-Petersburg artist, I truly enjoyed step by step learning and then started to masterpiece my own creation. Art is something that gives me the option to express myself and get the feeling of success and accomplishment.
There is so much beauty around us and mine mind like to depict many precious moments, either with places or surrounding around us.
All my masterpieces, being as landscapes, seascapes or other beauties, come from the deepest part of my heart with the help of creativity and imagination. But who can really express a whisper of wind or a
touch of waves or tranquility of forest or wildness of clouds? My wandering imagination with wild
stroke sometimes tries to do it, since this is the world around, why not to enjoy!
And this is what I would like to share with someone else.
Always creating,
Lubov Pavluk
Facebook: Luba Pavluk
Instagram: Luba Pavluk
Preferred Media: painting