Portrait Group – September 9th: Model – Nicole Hoke

9:30 am - 12:30 pm

The next YSA Portrait Group meeting will be held at the Sierra Senior Center in Oakhurst, Friday, September 9th, from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. The Senior Center is located at 49111 Cinder Lane, Oakhurst, CA (behind the Community Center).

The Sierra Senior Center is a great space, air conditioned, with plenty of tables, chairs, and room for artists to spread out. Bring your own paper or drop cloth protection for tables and floor if planning to paint or use spill-possible media. This is not the old Gertrude, where the floor didn’t matter. Bring your own table-top or portable easels as desired. Great bathrooms available, but not for messy clean-up of our art materials.

We continue to offer the Zoom option, but you must email me, lura@lura-art.com, before Thursday if you wish to Zoom. If no one plans to Zoom, it is a waste of Kerby’s time to bring all that gear and spend time setting it up.

Because it is a closed room and we have artists that are sensitive to petroleum fumes, no turpentines or other petroleum based products including odorous solvents such as Gamsol will be permitted. For oil painters, alternative solvents such as Chelsea Studio Lavender Brush Cleaner, Turpenoid Natural or oils (walnut, safflower, etc.) can be used.

The sessions will be the same format: 20 minutes on for the model, a ten-minute break, and then our model will resume the pose.

The model is Nicole Hoke

You will need to register and pay online: $10 (members) and $15 (non-members). This reasonable charge pays our models their $60 fee. There is a NEW LINK to the Zoom sessions.


Remember to scroll down and click “Return to Merchant”.

Thereafter, you will receive a link to the session.

We hope you will join us and enjoy your painting and drawing time.

Questions? Email Lura at lura@lura-art.com. We look forward to creating with you.

Lura Schwarz Smith and Kerby Smith